Saturday 21 October 2017

Millionaire Mindset

Hi Guys I’m back again with my new Blog about very interesting and serious topic. Many hard working and talented people complain that they have done whatever it takes to be successful in their life but they can’t. It is only experienced by those who only work hard and keep working without seeing the future consequences which is the main reason behind Failures. So in this article I’ll be sharing the thought process of the successful peoples of History. But remember that self motivation is most important factor to be successful, without it your mind will develops negative thoughts also the thing that you do will look like a big blunder if you don’t have enough self confidence. Without believing in yourself; no matter how brilliant, astonishing and knowledgeable you are, in fact a very good and must successful plan will never executed if you didn’t have courage to implement.
Just think that the person who are very much less qualified and also doesn’t have the enough resources are on the top the world and are very rich and powerful which they never dreamed of. Let me give you example of such peoples who changed their fate and make their mark on the history of the world.
Albert Einstein is the words most influential person, who makes people amaze just by his theories and with his knowledge of science, he almost writes the future in the past.
Albert Einstein
Don’t get assumed by hearing his name on this list. Einstein was the man whose name now equates to “Genius”; whose theories and scientific laws are followed by whole world; who published more than 300 scientific papers and the man who won Nobel prize- was in fact a High School Dropout. He attempted to get into university, but initially failed the entrance exams. We still remember his name in honor and he was one of the greatest mind of 20th century till now.                                                       
He was the fist poet to become billionaire by his poems and his intresting plays. he entertains whole world with his most famous play"Romeo and Juliette" which was still known as the best love story in  the world.
William Shakespeare
One of the most famous names of history, William Shakespeare produces some of the best loved plays and poems. His play “Romeo and Juliet” was considered as one of the best “Love story” till now. But based on some of his writings, Shakespeare didn’t attend school passed the age of thirteen. He was the first writer who became a Billionaire through his poems and plays.  


He proves the whole world that anything can be possible with hard work and determination. He did all this without any formal education and proves his dominance to the world.
Horace Greeley
The man who was considered being the “Most Influential Newspaper Man in American history”. He also became a Congressman and one of the founding members of the Republican Party. And the best part is that- He did this all without any formal education, by the age of 15 he left his home and worked hard until the success touched his feet.
 Ramanunjan writeS an history without pen and paper, that persons with all facilities won't be able to do.
Srinivasa Ramanunjan
He was one of the most Genius Minds in history of Mathematics. The theories and formulas that he gave were seemed impossible for others mathematicians to prove, but he proved himself in front of the world. He did all this without any education and even without any stationary. He doesn’t have any pen and paper to write his thesis. Paper was very expensive in India that time, but by all means he writes some of his inventions to G.H. Hardy (Professor at Trinity College, Cambridge). Hardy recognizes Ramanunjans talent and invites him to Trinity College. There he gives impossible formulas like partition formula, mock theta function and over 3900 results in mathematics. Today his formula sheet in which he writes about the formula which is used to understand the nature of Black Holes was framed just beside the frame of Albert Einstein and he was the first and only Indian to be the member of Royal Society.
Jack Ma proves that the rejections are the part of his success. Whatever he can able to achieve in his life was only after his all failures and if he quits at that time he will just be a conman man today
Jack Ma
Chinese business magnate who is the founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group is one of the most successful and richest Person of China. His early life was so much struggling and full of failures.When KFC first came to China for recruitment, 24 people applied for the job and 23 were selected, the only person who was not selected was jack ma The Chinese entrance exams are held only once a year and it took Ma four years to pass. He has to face total 58 rejections in his life, yet he never loses his Moral and makes himself stand on the front page of Forbes Magazine.
Mentality difference between rich and the poor

Now I’m going to discuss the main topic of this article i.e. Millionaires Mindset. From the above examples of some legends you have completes understood that there is no need to be so much qualified and it is not important to born with silver spoon, the real game is only of Passion, hard work, concentration and determination.
Low income56%
Middle income13%
Upper-middle income9%
High income7%
Can you ever thought why this is happen to you...?
 This is only because of our mentalities. If you want to be a millionaire, then you have to think like one. You have to think about investing not spending, you have to think about hard work not entertainment, you have to think about your goals not about girls.
You have to mainly focus on your Assets and spend very less in your Liabilities. In easy language we can say that the assets are those which fills our pocket with the money and liabilities are those which drains or empty our pockets. Assets have many faces like Stocks, Real Estates, Bonds, business partnerships, antiques, etc. Liabilities are all those things which we use in our daily life like your mobile phone, your laptop, your bike, your car and even your food utensils are your liabilities. This liability only makes you feel that you are rich, but you actually make rich to the brand whose product you actually buy. Your brand new BMW (or any other luxury car brand) only makes you that you are very rich, but it costs you more than 30k dollars…… Can you imagine, if you put same amount of money to any mutual fund or buys any companies stock, then how rich you can be in some forth coming years. This small thing makes a huge difference between a millionaire and a middle class and 9-5 working person. An average person who got his/her salary firstly runs to buy liabilities, pay taxes and makes small savings to buy more liabilities. But a rich firstly invests his/her money to his assets and from the profits he tries to buy more assets. A rich actually makes his money work for him, not like middle class who work so hard and even they become a slave for money.
Yes! It is very hard to put your money to something that you are not able to utilize, but remember that it is only for some years. When your money will grow you can even buy a Lamborghini from it. But you have to hustle for yourself because this is your life and only you are responsible for it.
In my next blog I'm going to share some of the most popular best selling books about success and about the very success peoples references to read books.
So if you like my blog, please share it to your friends and follow me on social media for further updates. Thank u!  "Stay hungary, stay foolish!"

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